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Globally connected with MICROSENS!

MICROSENS is one of the world's leading manufacturers of fiber optic data transmission systems for office, industrial and building automation applications.
Our head office is located in Hamm, Germany. Here, we employ around 100 people. They cover the entire value chain of our company: from development, production and purchasing to sales and marketing as well as all administrative areas. We have further development sites in Obertshausen (near Frankfurt) and in Wroclaw, Poland, as well as our own sales offices in Dubai, UAE and Versailles, France and local support staff in numerous other countries. We are part of the Zech Group, one of the largest German groups in the construction and real estate sector.
Our core products are designed and manufactured in-house and sold through international distributors. Together with our partners, we install and maintain our solutions around the world.
In the 1990s, we pioneered the use of high-speed fiber optic cables to connect computers and telephones in offices. Today, our systems turn on the lights in buildings when people are present, adjust them to the sunlight, ventilate when CO2 levels rise and regulate the heating when it gets too cold/warm. Simply via the normal internet cable. Room by room! Without centralised controls.
Our installation concept ensures sustainable use of resources. During operation, our solutions deliver energy savings. For the users, we ensure comfort and an enjoyable use of building technology.
In Germany's most prestigious hospitals, we allow for reliable communication and that the data needed for example for surgery is available.
Many government agencies and institutions use our products for security reasons.
In motorway-tunnels, we transmit data for speed displays and traffic management systems, surveillance cameras and the emergency call function, e.g. in the Eurotunnel or on the German autobahn.
In Dubai, one of the world's largest airports, thousands of our switches make sure check-in works and luggage gets to the right gates. They also keep the defibrillators charged.
In Milan, our systems make sure that traffic lights regulate traffic accordingly, visitors will be routed to free parking spaces and have Wifi-access.
We do our work: open-minded. in good cooperation. hands-on. solution-oriented. with an entrepreneurial mindset.
Of course we do not always agree, but finally we have been achieving joint solutions for 30 years. As we will do in the future!
We work together from different cultural backgrounds - and experience it as an enrichment for everybody.